Sitting by the sea watching the sun go down on Friday evening; such a great place to welcome in the Sabbath
We sat along the shore and the kids from Walla Walla presented a sundown worship for the rest of the group
We sat along this retention wall and watched the sun, but it was so hazy over Athens that we couldn't really see the sun at all

Here we sat to welcome in the Sabbath with a time for each of us to tell about a typical Friday evening back home ( I told about burritos...of course)
The National Library built in the 1800's and houses around half a million books
We went to a Greek-speaking SDA church (naturally) but they also had a couple other congregations within the same building compound who spoke Bulgarian and the other Ukranian.
This is a view of the church from the balcony where we were able to put on headsets for translation into English
It was communion Sabbath so we partook of the bread and wine symbols

Very excited old man preaching a very energetic sermon (all in Greek)
Communion wine tasted like fermented apple juice...very odd to my taste buds
Greek Hymnal (many of the same songs as we have in the States)
Standing in Syntagma Square facing Parliament
Vouli Parliament Building where the Greek Parliament is held
Standing in Syntagma Square in the Center of Athens
This relief depicts a dying Greek hoplite warrior above the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Two guards marching during a changing of the guard display
These guards are about to begin their shift of guarding the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They are dressed in their famous uniform of kilt and pom-pom clogs.
The guards (evzones) change shifts with an elaborate display of marching and drilling.