Sunday, July 11, 2010

Climbing Mt. Hymettus

On Sabbath, Anna and I climbed Mt. Hymettus. It is part of a very small mountain range that overlooks Athens and the surrounding suburbs. It took us about two hours to get to the top where we had our own little church service, and over two hours to get back to our hotel. To make a long story short, we didn't know where we were going and got lost on the way back, resulting in 11 miles of hiking, 3.5 miles of tram riding, and 1.2 miles of bus riding. And thinking we would be back sooner, we didn't bring enough water. :( 

So here is the breakdown of our hike...visually.

Beginning the ascent of the mountain and overlooking residential suburbs.

They have tortoises here!

The view of the bay was quite spectacular from have way up the mountain.

We found these not-so-ancient ruins from post WWII.

From one of the high points on the mountain they have built this look-out tour. We found a "fireman" (ranger) inside who was very friendly and helpful in answering our questions. Two years ago they had a fire sweep across the dry mountainside and burn back all the vegetation. His job is to prevent that.

The view from a little higher up.

the higher we went, the rockier it became.

This is the view looking over the other side, opposite of the city.

I am here!

This is as high as we went; almost to the very top.

Anyone need a poster? I can make you one. :)

Little green pine cone.

We found this awesome Greek cemetery once we were on the other side of the mountain hopelessly lost.

I don't think people like this sign very much....It kinda looks like our hike.

Beautiful white family tombs.

The precision is amazing...and probably very expensive. Just be glad you aren't Greek.

Starting to find our way back to town.

You can't really tell from this picture but this split in the road was really really steep.

Tennessee??? Greece?

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